Personal Projects
This page includes all the personal projects I have worked on. Code is available on my GitHub repo if you want to reuse it.
The idea behind it is to showcase my skills and have a portfolio of personal projects as well as assisting people who wish to learn more about the topics I have encountered.
Static Website on AWS
This project runs a static website on AWS leveraging S3, CloudFront, ACM, and Route 53. Go to this page for a detailed explanation, architectural diagram, and the GitHub repo hosting this project.
Full Terraform/GitHub Actions pipeline
This project showcases a full pipeline for Terraform on GitHub Actions. The pipeline tests the code (using Checkov, fmt, validate, and the Terraform Test Framework), posts the results as a comment on the PR. Afterwards, it runs a Terraform plan and posts the results as a comment on the PR. Finally, the pipeline applies the desired changes and posts the final outcome on the PR. Go to this page for a detailed explanation and the GitHub repo hosting this project.
EKS provisioning with Terraform
With this project, you are able to deploy a fully functioning EKS cluster on AWS, coupled with EBS drivers for the managed node groups, and controlled access using your IAM user ARN. Go to this page for a detailed explanation and the Github repo hosting this project.